Melodius Warbler - Lunna, Mainland Shetland
Melodius Warbler - Lunna, Mainland Shetland
Ominous storm approaching - Lunna, Mainland Shetland
Rock Dove with a dodgy bird watering down the genes of the
pure birds - Lunna, Mainland Shetland
I had spent some time birding Lunna and had seen little, 15 Wigeon, five Snipe, a fly-over Red-throated Diver, two Wheatear and lots of Rock Dove including a worrying number of impure birds. As I headed off I birded a few of the gardens and Voes that line the road to Lunna but saw little. But, this is a beautiful part of Shetland and I enjoyed the simple fact of being there. I pulled into a lay-by over looking Laxo Voe, across the Voe there were a handful of Wigeon, Redshank and Ringed Plover. Hooded Crows were calling aggravated behind me and I turned to see them mobbing a large white, Buzzard sized falcon - a white phase Gyr Falcon. Bloody hell! Grab camera from car take some shots. I then watched the bird as it flew north-east. My mind then had flash backs, some birders I had met the other day had seen a Gyr with jesses and zooming into my images this was clearly the same bird - bells and all, an escaped falconers bird. A quick search on the internet indicated that such a bird may sell for in the region of £10,000, someone must be very unhappy that they had lost their bird.
Escaped Gyr Falcon - Laxo, Mainland Shetland
I then headed to Lerwick, grabbed a coffee and decided to bird the Seafield area of Lerwick. The foreshore produced a Purple Sandpiper and lots of Starling, Rock Pipit, Turnstone, Herring Gull and Great Black-backed Gull but the bushes produced nothing. I headed to Fladdabista for the last hour or so birding, it was deadly quite, two Redwing were the only birds worthy of note and a Minke Whale passing south fairly close to shore added some interest. At 17:30 the light was fading and the birding provided diminishing returns so I headed back to my hotel.
Adult Great Black-backed Gull - Lerwick, Mainland Shetland
1st winter Herring Gull - Lerwick, Mainland Shetland
2nd winter Herring Gull - Lerwick, Mainland Shetland
3rd winter Herring Gull - Lerwick, Mainland Shetland
Purple Sandpiper - Lerwick, Mainland Shetland
Rock Pipit - Lerwick, Mainland Shetland