After a short survey in Fair Oak I popped down to Titchfield Haven Nature Reserve just as the reserve opened to try for the Temminck's Stint that had been present since 2nd September. At the reserve entrance there were 25
Sandwich Tern and five
Common Tern. On the South Scrape there were 15
Snipe, five
Common Sandpiper, a single
Green Sandpiper and around 75
Black-tailed Godwit. The
Temminck's Stint was visible from the Pumfrett Hide on the South Scrape but was always distant and in very poor light. Still, its elongated shape and creeping nature were distinctive.
Sandwich Tern and Black-headed Gull - Titchfield Haven
Sandwich Tern - Titchfield Haven
Sandwich Tern and Black-headed Gull - Titchfield Haven
Views of the Temminck's Stint were distant and into the sunlight - Titchfield Haven