
Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Bempton Cliffs RSPB Reserve - 20th July

On 20th July I finally succumbed to the draw of the Black-browed Albatross that has been summering at Bempton RSPB - a site that I had never visited before. First seen as an immature bird in Norfolk and Yorkshire in 2016 and seen annually at various locations on the east coast of the UK and on the near continent, particularly Germany, since. This year the bird had been present at Bempton since 28th June coming into cliffs for a few days before disappearing for a day or two then to return. 

I set off from home early and arrived on site at 09:15. Initially the bird was distant and sat on the water with Gannets but after a while it flew towards the cliffs and was watched circling Bartlett Nab. However, the bird was always a little distant and i didn't obtain the crippling eye-level views that many other birders had during the summer. My eBird checklist for the morning can be seen here