Giant Hummingbird - Condor Restaurant, Antisana, Quito, Ecuador
Shining Sunbeam - Condor Restaurant, Antisana, Quito, Ecuador
Plain-coloured Seedeater - Condor Restaurant, Antisana, Quito, Ecuador
Ecuadorian Hillstar - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Wooded gully on way up to the plateau - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Climbing onto the vast open plateau of the reserve and into paramo habitat at 4000m we enjoyed stunning views of the snow covered Antisana Volcano. Antisana is glacier-covered stratovolcano which, at 5,704m, is Ecuador's 4th highest volcano. In the paramo Andean Lapwing were abundant as was one of our key targets, Caranculated Caracara with adults and immatures seen strutting around the grassland. Another new bird came in the form of a Stout-billed Cinclodes. A roadside carcass had attracted five immature Andean Condor and around 10 Carunculated Caracara. After some searching we found a pair of Andean Ibis feeding within the grassland and numerous Variable Hawk were seen overhead.
Stout-billed Cinclodes - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
The high plateau at Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Condor - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Condor and Carunculated Caracara - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Carunculated Caracara - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
The spectacular Antisana Volcano - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Antisana Volcano - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Antisana Volcano - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Plover - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Ibis - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Carunculated Caracara - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Condor - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Gull - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Plover - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
It was now 11:15 and time to start heading back to the hotel. A few stops en-route produced nothing new of note but we had better views of Caranculated Caracara and now there were 11 Andean Condor including at least four adult on the roadside carcass.
Wooded gully at entrance to Laguna de Mica - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Western Tawny Antpitta - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Western Tawny Antpitta - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Plumbeous Sierra-finch - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Plain-capped Ground-tyrant - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Stout-billed Cinclodes - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Chestnut-winged Cinclodes - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Chestnut-winged Cinclodes - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Brown-backed Chat-tyrant - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Laguna de Mica, Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Silvery Grebe - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Gull - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Silvery Grebe - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Duck - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
When I was photographing this Andean Duck I failed to spot the Ring-necked Duck to the right, this is a rare vagrant to Ecuador - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Silvery Grebe - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Gull - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Coot - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Teal - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Carunculated Caracara - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Carunculated Caracara - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Plumbeous Sierra-finch - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Carunculated Caracara - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Carunculated Caracara - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Carunculated Caracara - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Carunculated Caracara - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Condor - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Condor - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Condor - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
Andean Condor - Antisana Ecological Reserve, Quito, Ecuador
List of Birds Recorded in Ecuador
We recorded 120 species in Ecuador (including the Mashpi Lodge element of the trip from 15th to 17th August) of which five were ticks for me (shown in bold). With the 34 new birds on Galapagos this trip took my world list to 6427 species seen.
Crested Guan
Andean Duck
Andean Teal
Ring-necked Duck
Northern Silvery Grebe
Rock Dove
Ruddy Pigeon
Dusky Pigeon
White-throated Quail-dove
Eared Dove
Black-winged Ground-dove
White-collared Swift
White-necked Jacobin
White-whiskered Hermit
Brown Violet-ear
Sparkling Violet-ear
Purple-crowned Fairy
Green Thorntail
Violet-tailed Sylph
Ecuadorian Hillstar
Black-tailed Trainbearer
Tyrian Metaltail
Shining Sunbeam
Brown Inca
Sword-billed Hummingbird
Velvet-purple Coronet
Booted Racket-tail
Purple-bibbed Whitetip
Green-crowned Brilliant
Empress Brilliant
Giant Hummingbird
Crowned Woodnymph
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
Andean Emerald
Purple-throated Woodstar
Andean Coot
Andean Ibis
Cattle Egret
Andean Lapwing
Andean Gull
Turkey Vulture
American Black Vulture
Andean Condor
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Roadside Hawk
Barred Hawk
Variable Hawk
Black-chested Buzzard-eagle
Crimson-rumped Toucanet
Toucan Barbet
Golden-olive Woodpecker
Black-cheeked Woodpecker
Carunculated Caracara
American Kestrel
Rose-faced Parrot
Choco Parakeet
Dusky Antbird
Western Tawny Antpitta
Tawny-throated Leaftosser
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper
Pacific Hornero
Chestnut-winged Cinclodes
Stout-billed Cinclodes
Lineated Foliage-gleaner
Many-striped Canastero
Orange-breasted Fruiteater
Black-tipped Cotinga
Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher
Black-crowned Tityra
Cinnamon Becard
Slaty-capped Flycatcher
Common Tody-flycatcher
Western Ornate Flycatcher
Choco Tyrannulet
Golden-bellied Flycatcher
Grey-capped Flycatcher
Tropical Kingbird
Dusky-capped Flycatcher
Brown-backed Chat-tyrant
Plain-capped Ground-tyrant
Black Phoebe
Smoke-colored Pewee
Black-billed Peppershrike
Red-eyed Vireo
Southern Rough-winged Swallow
Blue-and-white Swallow
White-thighed Swallow
Brown-bellied Swallow
Grey-breasted Wood-wren
Black Solitaire
Chestnut-throated Solitaire
Great Thrush
Paramo Pipit
Thick-billed Euphonia
Orange-bellied Euphonia
Orange-billed Sparrow
Choco Brush-finch
Yellow-breasted Brush-finch
Rufous-collared Sparrow
Olive-crowned Yellowthroat
Slate-throated Whitestart
Ochre-breasted Tanager
Golden-collared Honeycreeper
Swallow Tanager
Buff-throated Saltator
Black-winged Saltator
White-shouldered Tanager
White-lined Tanager
Lemon-rumped Tanager
Plumbeous Sierra-finch
Plain-colored Seedeater
Black Flowerpiercer
Glistening-green Tanager
Moss-backed Tanager
Rufous-throated Tanager
Golden-naped Tanager
Blue-grey Tanager
Flame-faced Tanager
Golden Tanager
Links to Other Days of the Trip (Click to View)
14th August (Day 1) – International flight to Quito.
15th August (Day 2) – Mashpi Lodge.
16th August (Day 3) –Mashpi Lodge.
17th August (Day 4) – Mashpi Lodge and transfer to Quito.
18th August (Day 5) – Fly to from Quito to Galapagos Islands. Then sail to North Seymour Island.
19th August (Day 6) – Genovesa Island, Galapagos.
20th August (Day 7) – North-west Isabela Island and Fernandina Island, Galapagos.
21st August (Day 8) – South-east Isabela Island, Galapagos.
22nd August (Day 9) – Espanola Island, Galapagos.
23rd August (Day 10) – Floreana Island and Champion Island, Galapagos.
24th August (Day 11) – San Cristobal Island and Sante Fe Island, Galapagos.
25th August (Day 12) – Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos.
26th August (Day 13) – Fly Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos to Quito.
27th August (Day 14) – Antisana Ecological Reserve then fly Quito to London.