At mid-afternoon we drove the short distance to Rancho Suamox for the rare and declining Brown Wood-rail which has been coming to discarded fruit to the rear of the ice-cream store the fruit being used in the ice-cream making process. Unfortunately we had no luck with the rail and the only birds of note we recorded here were Ecuadorian Thrush and Pallid Dove but the ice-creams were great! We then set off on the 1.5 hour drive to Chontoloma Lodge near to Mashpi Town and arrived at around 19:00 in pouring rain. After a good, but beer free meal, we crashed at around 21:30 to the sound of heavy rain on the roof of the lodge, tomorrow there was a key bird to see and I hoped that the skies would rain themselves dry before dawn.
Barred Puffbird - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Red-headed Barbet - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Choco Tyrannulet - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Choco Toucan - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Purple-breasted Hummingbird - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Blue-necked Tanager - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Berlepsch's Tinamou - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
The remarkable prop-like tail of Wedge-billed Woodcreeper - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Stripe-billed Aracari - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Scarlet-browed Tanager - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Scarlet-browed Tanager - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Bat Falcon - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
White-bearded Manakin - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Plain-brown Woodcreeper - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Buff-rumped Warbler - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Bicoloured Antbird - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Bicoloured Antbird - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
White-tailed Trogon (male) - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
White-tailed Trogon (female) - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Lanceolated Monklet - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Purple-chested Hummingbird - Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Río Silanche Bird Sanctuary, Ecuador
Rancho Suamox
Pallid Dove - Rancho Suamox, Silanche, Ecuador
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