
Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Slimbridge WWT - 23rd December and 4th January

The Christmas and New Year period has been a whirl-wind for me this year with little time for birding and much time wiped out by Tonsillitis such that all I could eat for a good few days was raisins - so, low on energy, feeling rubbish and with social commitments my time in the field and time on this blog has suffered.

We were in Gloucestershire for much of the period with short visits back to Romsey and over to the Isle of Wight at New Year. I made two short visits to Slimbridge on 23rd December and 4th January. I spent much of my time in the hides along the eastern side of the reserve overlooking Tack Piece and northwards across towards the River Severn. There were huge numbers of Lapwing, Golden Plover and Wigeon on Tack Piece forming quite a wildlife spectacle. Highlights were two Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, 22 Ruff, 12 Common Crane, 103 Bewick's Swan, 85 Barnacle Goose, 112 White-fronted Goose and, a good record for Slimbridge, a single adult Dark-bellied Brent Goose.

Common Teal were in full display on the Rushy Pen - Slimbridge WWT

Some lovely views of Pintail were had, nice to see the finely vermiculated plumage up close - Slimbridge WWT

Pintail - Slimbridge WWT

Pintail - Slimbridge WWT

Pintail - Slimbridge WWT

Dunlin - Slimbridge WWT

Bewick's Swan - Slimbridge WWT

Bewick's Swan - Slimbridge WWT

Bewick's Swan - Slimbridge WWT

Bewick's Swan - Slimbridge WWT

Lapwing - Slimbridge WWT

Common Snipe - Slimbridge WWT

Pochard - Slimbridge WWT

Common Crane - Slimbridge WWT

Wigeon - Slimbridge WWT

Shoveler - Slimbridge WWT

Smew displaying in one of the collections - Slimbridge WWT