
Wednesday, 2 May 2018

South-east China - 2nd May (Day 12)

Today was primarily a driving day with the journey from Wuyuan to Dongzhai Nature Reserve in Henan Sheng Province to the north-west due to take around 10 hours. So after breakfast of dumpling soup and steamed dumplings at the same restaurant as yesterday we were on the road by 06:15. The drive went well and we caught up with notes and watched the countryside pass by.

Lady preparing breakfast - Wuyuan

We arrived at Dongzhai at 16:00 and birded a forest trail looking for Reeve's Pheasant but no luck but for a bird flushed from the track.  We saw little but for White-crowned ForktailBrownish-flanked Bush-warbler and Speckled Piculet. Heading back to our hotel we enjoyed dinner outside with the mosquitos. After dinner owling produced Northern Boobook and heard only Oriental Scop's-owl with multiple birds of each species calling. We crashed at 22:00 looking forward to tomorrow.

Dongzhai Nature Reserve

Looking for Reeve's Pheasant in Dongzhai Nature Reserve

White-crowned Forktail - Dongzhai Nature Reserve

Northern Boobook - Dongzhai Nature Reserve

Links to Other Days of the Trip (Click to View)
Day 1 and 2 – International flight and Dongtai.
Day 3 - Dongtai.
Day 4 – Dongtai and Magic Wood.
Day 5 - Nanhui then fly to Fuzhou.
Day 6 - Shanutan Island and Fuzhou Forest Park.
Day 7 - Fuzhou Forest Park then Emeifeng Mountain.
Day 8 - Emeifeng Mountain.
Day 9 - Emeifeng Mountain.
Day 10 - Emeifeng Mountain then Wuyuan.
Day 11 - Wuyuan.
Day 13 - Dongzhai.
Day 14 – Dongzhai then fly Wuhan to Korlor.
Day 15 – Taklamakan Desert.
Day 16 – Taklamakan Desert then Urumqi.
Day 17 and 18 – Nanshan in the Tien Shan Mountains then fly Beijing. International flight.