
Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Hampshire and Gloucestershire General Birding - Early January

My birding in this first part of 2016 has been pretty limited by work and the continuation of Christmas and New Year socials. I have dropped in here and popped in there and put some time in for the three Penduline Tit that have been knocking around at Titchfield Haven but with no luck. Here is a selection of my successes.

On 2nd and 3rd January we went to the Isle of Wight to visit my family. On 2nd I popped to the Station Pool opposite the 'Off the Rails' restaurant in Yarmouth where a Grey Phalarope had been present since 27th December the weather was terrible with howling winds and heavy rain. The bird showed distantly, I rattled off some shots and dashed for the cover of the car. On Sunday the rain was almost horizontal and the wind was gusting to a Force 8 so I headed out early birding, a Barn Owl along the Military Road and a seawatch at St. Catherine's Point produced 15 Kittiwake, 6 Razorbill, 3 Red-throated Diver and 1 Black-throated Diver all east between 9:00 and 10:30. After this short period in the field I was soaked so it was time to head back for a shower.

Grey Phalarope - Station Pool, Yarmouth, Isle of Wight

Grey Phalarope - Station Pool, Yarmouth, Isle of Wight

On 5th January after a winter bird survey I popped into Eastleigh Sewage Works where a Yellow-browed Warbler has been present since 20th December. The weather was pretty rough, wet and windy. The bird was calling and showing on and off and eventually popped up for a few pictures.

Yellow-browed Warbler - Chickenhall Lane, Eastleigh Sewage Works

Yellow-browed Warbler - Chickenhall Lane, Eastleigh Sewage Works

On 7th I had another survey but had a little spare time, about an hour actually, so popped to Southsea, Portsmouth for the Iceland Gull that had been present since 2nd January. I arrived to hear that the bird had just flown west so I popped along to the castle to see the Purple Sandpiper, there were around 10 present and showing fairly well. Eventually the Iceland Gull returned but showed rather distantly on the water before flying east and out of view. Time-up and no chance to spend more time looking for it.

Purple Sandpiper - Southsea Castle, Portsmouth

Purple Sandpiper - Southsea Castle, Portsmouth

Iceland Gull (1st Winter) - near South Parade Pier, Southsea, Portsmouth

Iceland Gull (1st Winter) - near South Parade Pier, Southsea, Portsmouth

Iceland Gull (1st Winter) - near South Parade Pier, Southsea, Portsmouth

On 8th January I was heading up to Cowley for a weekend in the cottage. I popped by to see the two female Ring-necked Duck that had been present at Rooksbury Mill Local Nature Reserve in Andover since 21st November. These birds showed well in bright conditions loosely hanging-out with a flock of around 25 Tufted Duck. My recollection may not be great but I believe that these are the first female Ring-necked Duck I have ever seen in the UK.

Female Ring-necked Ducks - Rookesbury Mill, Hampshire

On 10th January I visited Slimbridge WWT in fairly grotty conditions - mainly heavy rain. I spent my time in the Rushy Hide, Martin Smith Hide and Holden Tower. There were fantastic numbers of birds present and in particular the numbers of Teal, Wigeon, Golden Plover and Lapwing were astounding, running in to thousands of each. Highlights were two female Greater Scaup from Rushy Hide and two Common Crane, around 150 Bewick Swan, 130 White-fronted Goose and 150 Barnacle Goose from the Holden Tower.

Common Crane - Slimbridge

Common Crane - Slimbridge

Tufted Duck - Slimbridge

Pintail - Slimbridge

Bewick Swan - Slimbridge

Two Greater Scaup and Shelduck - Slimbridge

Tufted Duck and Pochard - Slimbridge