
Monday, 28 December 2015

Australia, Fiji and New Caledonia - 29th November (Day 19 and Day 20)

We met Steve at 05:30 near to the entrance of the Royal National Park and drove 15 minutes or so to Wattamolla Road where we parked in the large car park at the east end of the road before walking north-east for a kilometre or so to a slightly shorter, less dense area of protea dominated vegetation. Here we saw Brush Bronzewing, Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo and good views of Southern Emu-wren before the rain started and we made a dash back to the cars. From the car park we then walked the trail south-east to the cliffs where a short seawatch produced many Wedge-tailed Shearwater and a single Fluttering Shearwater. And on the cliffs here were two confiding Rockwarbler with a pair of Chestnut-rumped Heathwren in the scrub above. After a picnic of chicken sandwiches we headed back to the visitor centre and birded Lady Carrington Drive southwards from the visitor centre for a few kilometres. Here the habitat was taller forest with Eucalyptus and bird species included Australian King Parrot, a female Superb Lyrebird, Eastern Whipbird, Satin Bowerbird, Green Catbird, Australian Owlet-nightjar at a roost tree, Variegated Fairy-wren, Brown Goshawk and Azure Kingfisher. It was midday and time to say goodbye to the team and head for the airport. My British Airways flight left on time at 16:30 landing in Singapore for an hour stop over at 21:30 and landing back in the UK at 04:50 on 30th November.

Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo - Royal National Park, Sydney

Rockwarbler - Royal National Park, Sydney

Rock formation - Royal National Park, Sydney

Rockwarbler - Royal National Park, Sydney

Chestnut-rumped Heathwren - Royal National Park, Sydney

Superb Fairy-wren - Royal National Park, Sydney

Lewin's Honeyeater - Royal National Park, Sydney

Superb Lyrebird - Royal National Park, Sydney

Variegated Fairy-wren - Royal National Park, Sydney

Australian Owlet-nightjar - Royal National Park, Sydney

Rufous Fantail - Royal National Park, Sydney

Brown Goshawk - Royal National Park, Sydney

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo - Royal National Park, Sydney

View of Royal National Park, Sydney from the plane

Links to other days of the trip