Drinks were needed and we spend a silly amount of time driving back and forth looking for a café, en-route stopping at a turn just over the bridge to the south of La Fao where two Red-throated Parrotfinch fed amongst the introduced (but stunning) Common Waxbill. A Rufous Night-heron was flushed from the bamboo thickets here. We should have stuck with the first suggestion of coffee at La Fao as this seemed to offer the only option with a great coffee and cake shop. We spent two hours relaxing here before heading to Les Grandes Park Fougeres Provincal. Birding in the car park initially which produced views of White-bellied Goshawk, an adult, identification was confirmed and the dodgy juvenile seen earlier was forgotten. Here to the main task was the Thicketbird, Volkert had spoken to a park guard who had, allegedly, directed us to drive to the start of a trailhead but as soon as we set off we were intercepted and told that we couldn't drive on the track, Volkert’s powers of French had failed us and we felt absconded. We set-off on foot along the trail that the park guard had said was the best for Thicketbird but the trail extended through forest and was clearly not right for the species we were searching for. A Kagu appeared on the trail and we delighted in this more timid and unringed bird as it hammered a fallen tree for grubs tossing bark left and right. A fantastic experience and we delighted as the Kagu slunk secretively back into the forest – it is truly hard to express what a unique and unmissable birding experience the Kagu is.
The rest of the day was spent birding the trails, car park and entrance to the park seeing a range of birds we had seen before by unfortubatey despite much effort no thicketbird. We headed off at around 17:30 quite satisfied with our land based birding on new Caledonia despite missing two endemics, New Caledonian Thicketbird and Crow Honeyeater.
Striated Starling - Canala Road, Farino, New Caledonia
Red-throated Parrotfinch - La Fao, New Caledonia
Grey Fantail - La Fao, New Caledonia
White-bellied Goshawk - Les Grandes Park Fougeres Provincal, New Caledonia
White-breasted Woodswallow - Les Grandes Park Fougeres Provincal, New Caledonia
Kagu - Les Grandes Park Fougeres Provincal, New Caledonia
Kagu - Les Grandes Park Fougeres Provincal, New Caledonia
Kagu - Les Grandes Park Fougeres Provincal, New Caledonia
South Melanesian Cuckooshrike - Les Grandes Park
Fougeres Provincal, New Caledonia
Orchid - Les Grandes Park Fougeres Provincal, New Caledonia
Panoramic view of Les Grandes Park Fougeres Provincal, New Caledonia
Links to other days of the trip