
Wednesday, 10 September 2014

An evening at Normandy Lagoon, Lymington - 8th September

On Monday evening after work I went back to Normandy Lagoon to try to get better views of the Lesser Yellowlegs on a sunny rather than foggy visit. I parked on Kings Saltern Road and walked through the Yacht Club to the eastern seawall of Normandy Lagoon before walking around to the north-west corner of the lagoon where the Yellowlegs has been hanging-out. There were a few migrants around including at least four Wheatear, two Whinchat and around 40 Yellow Wagtail. I loitered for the Wryneck which was seen yesterday and this morning but with no luck.

Kingfisher fishing in a tidal channel to the east of Normandy Lagoon

Possible Greenland Wheatear (1st winter) being large and rich peachy buff below

1st Winter Wheatear

The Lesser Yellowlegs was still present in the north-west corner of Normandy Lagoon but was generally more distant than yesterday and despite the better light there was a heat haze in the 23C temperatures and my photographs suffered as a result. Anyway, here are a few shots that are okay.

This is as close as the Lesser Yellowlegs got this evening and a heat distortion is still evident

Wing stretching

Mixing with the Dunlin

On alert as a Kestrel passed over

Also on the lagoon were two Little Stint, including yesterdays ringed bird, a juvenile ruff and a Common Sandpiper amongst the usual common wader species. As I left for home I was intrigued to see this starling roost which numbered 270 birds on the masts of the expensive looking yachts in the marine.