
Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The Devon Ross's Gull and More 20th June 2014

Trevor Codlin (The Barley Bird-er) and I had planned a little birding outing on 20th June while our wife's were pampering and drinking bubbles in the local spa. So at 06:00 Trev got to my place and we drove onto Bowling Green Marsh, Topsham in Devon arriving at just gone 08:00. The main target was a summering Ross's Gull which had been present since 29th May and a support cast of Bonaparte's Gull and Spoonbill. Trev has written an excellent account of the day here and so I won't repeat it here.

Ross's Gull was a tick for Trev, for me this was my second after the pink adult on the Plym Estuary in 2002. I mainly wanted to see this bird as I had not seen an immature previously. 

Here are some of my photos from the day, unfortunately the light was particularly bad and so the photos are certainly not award winners!

This adult Spoonbill gave the view from the hide a sense of the Mediterranean

Eight of the 11 Little Egret present

Two distant shots of the Ross's Gull in slightly scruffy 
1st Summer plumage

1st Summer Bonaparte's Gull

And a distant large gull which was discussed as 
being a possible Caspian Gull