
Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Pink-barred Sallow

After a spell of cool nights and low numbers of moths in the moth trap in my Romsey garden the night of the 30th September/1st October produced overcast conditions with temperatures dropping to 12c. While still very slow a few classic autumn species appeared amongst the familiar drab of the likes of large yellow underwing, setaceous hebrew character and square-spot rustic. Lunar underwing an autumn flying species was the first of the year as was a satellite but pride of place went to this pink-barred sallow. While common and widespread the autumnal colours which match perfectly with the yellows and russets make for a stunning moth.

Pink-barred Sallow, Romsey, Hampshire, UK - Simon Colenutt The Deskbound Birder
Pink-barred Sallow, Romsey (S.Colenutt)

The pink-barred sallow is one of six Xanthia species found in the UK all fly between September and October in the south of England (a little earlier to the north) and all exhibit a range of russet, yellow, pinkish and orangey tones. All species are relatively common with the exception of the pale-lemon sallow which is classified as Nationally Notable A being found locally in the south-east of the UK.